Society Rules. Amended October 2017
- The tenancy shall commence on 1st October annually, at which date rents are due, until either party terminates it by giving one month’s written notice. The annual rent per plot as agreed by the membership is payable in advance and by the annual general meeting at the latest. The committee reserve the right not to renew a plot tenancy if the said plot holders has been in breach of the Society rules during the previous season.
- Members must not assign or sublet a plot without the consent of the Committee.
- The Committee has the right to give one month’s notice, in writing, to any member breaching Society rules or on non-payment of rent by the date due.
- Members must not cause nuisance or annoyance to other members or obstruct any path set out by the Society for the use of the members.
- Members MUST keep their plots clean, in good state of cultivation and fertility, and in good condition. Paths and edges must be kept cut and weeds under control, especially from seeding. Failure to maintain a plot to a level of tidiness and cultivation will result in a Formal Notice of Improvement being issued in writing only, giving one month’s notice that the plot must be improved. If after one month no improvementhas been made, or contact to the committee from the plot holder, their tenancy will be terminated with immediate effect. Phone calls will no longer be made to errant plot holders.
- It is the responsibility of each member to advise the Committee if they are unable to tend their plot due to ill-health or other due causes.
- No buildings may be erected without prior consent of the committee. Any sheds or buildings that fall into disrepair must be rectified/repaired must be rectified immediately or dismantled and disposed of by the plot holder.
- Members may not sell or carry away any turf, topsoil, gravel or clay.
- Hoses may only be used to for filling of tanks. It is not permitted to have a hose attached to a sprinkler or any form of watering or irrigation device or system. Hoses may never be allowed to run except into tanks, watering cans or sprayers.
- The washing of boots, tools or produce under a running tap is not permitted.
- The Public Footpath must not be obstructed at any time. Members of the public always take precedence over members on the footpath.
- Any member damaging the Public Footpath must repair said damage as soon as possible.
- Bonfires and incinerators are totally banned. Any member found breaching this rule will be subject to a warning, followed by a one year ban upon repetition. The only exception being that the committee may use fire to destroy, for example, detritus from an empty plot.
- Motorised ride-on equipment must not be brought on site. ( except invalid transport)
- Members using weed-killer must ensure that none drifts onto neighbouring plots or footpaths. Any damage so caused must be rectified by the instigator immediately. Mixing weed-killer and other chemicals, and washing equipment must only be carried out on the members own plot.
- No structure, support or plant may overhang any path causing potential danger to users or obstructing mowing. A minimum of SIX INCHES ( 15 cm ) clearance must be left from path edges.
- No bulk deliveries ( manure, compost etc. ) may be made between 31st October and 1st April each year.
- A Committee Member must be informed if any member allows another person to work their plot or harvest their produce.
- In an effort to discourage vandalism, no glass may in future be brought onto the allotment site. Members are urged to substitute glass with Acrylic sheet or similar.
- All new plot holders from October 2011 onwards shall pay a refundable deposit of £50.00 per plot. These monies to be placed into a holding account and repaid in full to said member upon relinquishing the in good order and with due notice. Any interest earned from said deposits will be used for the common good of the society, likewise, any deposits retained for reasons of breach of Society rules.
- Membership commences when a person has signed the acceptance of the Society rules, paid a deposit of £50.00 and paid a year rent in advance.
- The Committee is elected by members to manage the Society by making day-to-day decisions to ensure the ongoing protection and enjoyment of the membership. Major decisions or amendments to the Society rules require a quorum Committee meeting ( a minimum of four Committee members) The Chairman will have the casting vote.
- Motions for amendments to the Society rules must be proposed and seconded in writing and delivered to the Secretary to be received at least four weeks before the AGM or other General Meeting. The motion will be placed before the membership for a vote, the Chairman will have the casting vote.
- The Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer and other Committee members shall not be held responsible for any loss, damage or injury whatsoever and howsoever caused to any member or person or persons in or on the allotment site.
These rules are amended and agreed by majority vote at the Annual General Meeting of the Pevensey Bay Allotment Society on 19th October 2017
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